An Ethical Framework for Decision Making I

An Ethical Framework for Decision Making I

Christian Hunt

25 years: Behavioural science & compliance

In this video, we'll explore a framework that can help us make better ethical decisions. The idea is that if we're well prepared for when ethical dilemmas do arise, we have a greater chance of solving them.

In this video, we'll explore a framework that can help us make better ethical decisions. The idea is that if we're well prepared for when ethical dilemmas do arise, we have a greater chance of solving them.

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An Ethical Framework for Decision Making I

8 mins 3 secs

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand why ethical decisions are not always simple

  • Apply the first three steps of the ethical framework


Ethical decision making can be tricky, things are not always black and white. Following an ethics framework will help you overcome these challenges. The framework has 7 steps, this video will cover the first 3, those being ‘Is the action legal and compliant?’, ‘ Does it comply with our values?’, and ‘If you do it, will you feel bad?’. If the answer to any of those questions is no, you know it is not the right decision from an ethical perspective.

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How do I assess whether a decision is ethical? (steps 1 - 3)

1. Is the action legal and compliant?

Is the decision something you are allowed to do? If something isn’t permitted under either the law or applicable regulations, then we shouldn’t be doing it. 

2. Does it comply with our values?

You should explore whatever you’re thinking of doing through the lens of your organisation’s and your own values. 

3. If you do it, will you feel bad?

Sometimes you make that decision that hurts in the stomach, it wakes you up in the middle of the night or it just gnaws on you. This is a warning flag that you should revisit that decision. 

This test is different to the others in the sense that it is a qualitative rather than a quantitative test, this test is much more suited to dealing with situations that are less black and white and more grey.

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Christian Hunt

Christian Hunt

Christian is the founder of Human Risk, a Behavioural Science led Consulting and Training Firm. Previously, Christian was Managing Director at UBS, and Head of Behavioural Science (BeSci), within the Bank’s Risk function. Prior to joining UBS, he was Chief Operating Officer at the UK’s Prudential Regulation Authority.

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