The Importance of the Compliance Function

The Importance of the Compliance Function

Peter Eisenhardt

30 years: Capital markets & investment banking

In this video, Peter outlines the 10 principles for the compliance function that were set up for banks by the Basel Committee in 2005. After outlining and analyzing these principles, Peter discusses how and why banks failed to follow them closely enough in the lead up to the Global Financial Crisis - and paid a hefty price for it.

In this video, Peter outlines the 10 principles for the compliance function that were set up for banks by the Basel Committee in 2005. After outlining and analyzing these principles, Peter discusses how and why banks failed to follow them closely enough in the lead up to the Global Financial Crisis - and paid a hefty price for it.

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The Importance of the Compliance Function

7 mins 3 secs

Key learning objectives:

  • Define a Compliance

  • Outline the main principles for good compliance

  • Outline the failure of compliance in the Global Financial Crisis

  • Understand how compliance has changed


The Compliance Function works to ensure that banks operate with integrity and within rules and regulations and is key to success.

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What is compliance?

In banking, Compliance means complying with regulations, laws, guidelines, and standards -- whether internal or external.

What are the main principles for good compliance?

  • The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing compliance risk, with senior management responsible for its effective management.
  • Banks need a corporate culture that emphasises standards of honesty and integrity.
  • Compliance must be independent of line functions so there are no conflicts of interest and have the necessary resources.
  • Compliance must be subject to periodic review by the internal audit function.
  • Banks must comply with applicable laws and regulations in all jurisdictions where they do business.

How did compliance fail in the Global Financial Crisis?  What were the costs?

In the run up to the GFC, Boards of Directors and Senior Management were not focused enough on compliance, did not fully understand the risks, and did not set the right culture. Compliance teams were under-resourced. Banks paid out over $600 billion in fines and suffered huge reputational damage.

How has compliance changed?

Banks have responded by “super-sizing” compliance, over 50% more on Compliance with staff numbers greatly increased. “Regtech” has become a whole new industry, where technology is used to identify risks and help ensure compliance.

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Peter Eisenhardt

Peter Eisenhardt

Peter has over 30 years experience working in banking. He has held several senior positions in international investment banks. Peter is now the Secretary General of the International Council of Securities Associations

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