Culture Change Tools and Techniques II

Culture Change Tools and Techniques II

Roger Noon

25 years: Behavoural science & culture

In our last video, Roger talked about how we can set the right expectations and how we can diagnose cultural strengths and weaknesses. In this video, he will continue to discuss more tools and techniques to effectively drive improvement within your organisation.

In our last video, Roger talked about how we can set the right expectations and how we can diagnose cultural strengths and weaknesses. In this video, he will continue to discuss more tools and techniques to effectively drive improvement within your organisation.

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Culture Change Tools and Techniques II

8 mins 19 secs

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand why you would want to drive organisational culture improvement

  • Understand the tools available to influence culture change


Improving organisational culture is about the need to align culture to corporate purpose, it has a big impact on business performance, effective risk management and good conduct. There are tools designed to help improve organisational culture, however, they need to be included as part of a wider culture change strategy that operates holistically, rather than focusing on individual initiatives. Some of these tools include; learning from exemplars, role modelling and coaching of leaders, facilitation of management teams and nudging.

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How can learning from exemplars help?

Exemplar employees are a great resource that an organisation already has to drive improvement. 

Where in your organisation are the role models who exemplify the values, attitudes and behavioural strengths you are looking for? What can you learn from these people and teams, who are already being successful every day in your current environment? What are the differentiators that make them more successful than the rest of us and how can we, in the middle part of that distribution curve, learn from them?

How can role modelling and coaching leaders drive organisational culture change?

Day-to-day role modelling of excellent behaviours is crucial. We know that we follow what others do rather than what they say, especially when they have influence.

Since positional power gives leaders some specific spheres of influence, focussing on supporting them to proactively role model is a good starting point. Using coaching techniques is helpful here - whether through the use of internal, external or peer coaching. Supporting leaders to reflect, actively learn and then experiment with new behaviours that help their role modelling is going to be an important skill of the future.

How can the facilitation of management teams help culture improvement?

An extension of one-to-one leadership coaching is the facilitation and coaching of management teams to help strengthen their collective ability to lead and influence culture. 

How can nudging help improve culture?

Nudging is a behavioural science approach that aims to influence our choices and reasoning by taking advantage of some of the irrational mechanisms that sit behind the biases, norms and other behavioural processes we use. The purpose of nudging is to influence us to make better decisions in an ethical way. 


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Roger Noon

Roger Noon

Roger is an executive coach and culture change practitioner with a background in engineering and programme management. He has spent the last decade in large multinational banks working out how to understand culture and strengthen behaviours in order to improve conduct, risk management and business performance.

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