Why Is It Important to End Well?

Why Is It Important to End Well?

Vix Anderton

Wellness & productivity specialist

In this video, Vix discusses the importance of ending anything well, be that a project or a task or simply ending your day well.

In this video, Vix discusses the importance of ending anything well, be that a project or a task or simply ending your day well.

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Why Is It Important to End Well?

3 mins 8 secs

Key learning objectives:

  • Identify the three ways of ending things well


Endings matter. Anyone who has ever had their heart broken knows that.

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What are the three ways of ending things well?

  • Gratitude List - Regular practice has been shown to have measurable benefits for our health and overall well-being, simply by asking questions to yourself what made you smile today or what you are appreciating. This exercise is particularly powerful if you write it down.
  • Ta-da list - you could write a ta-da list - a list of everything you have accomplished, even if it wasn’t on your to-do list.
  • Apple - lemon - sponge - At the end of projects or meetings, get in the habit of asking what went well and what did we learn. An apple is something that went well, a lemon is something that sucked, a sponge is something learnt.

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Vix Anderton

Vix Anderton

Vix is dedicated to helping individuals and organisations achieve meaningful and sustainable change through evidence-based research, practical planning, red-teaming and coaching. Vix is an accredited Mental Health First Aider, ICF-certified life coach and yoga teacher, Vix loves to draw on psychology, neuroscience, and behaviour change research as well as Eastern philosophies and traditions to inform her work.

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