Executive Remuneration at Listed Companies
Sandro Barbato
How do shareholders influence how much an executive gets paid? Join Sandro Barbato as he explores how compensation packages change when a company is listed on a stock exchange.
How do shareholders influence how much an executive gets paid? Join Sandro Barbato as he explores how compensation packages change when a company is listed on a stock exchange.
Executive Remuneration at Listed Companies
13 mins 25 secs
Key learning objectives:
Understand how executive remuneration principles differ for listed companies and the role of shareholders in deciding compensation
Identify how corporate governance impacts compensation policies at listed companies
Describe how ESG and ESG-focused targets are becoming part of executive remuneration packages
One of the key components that must be considered when talking about compensation at listed companies is corporate governance. Along with the shareholders, corporate governance plays an important role in deciding how executives are compensated. ESG-related targets, like employee satisfaction and improved ESG-ratings, are also increasingly becoming part of the remuneration conversation.
Sandro Barbato
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