How You Can Tackle the Biodiversity Crisis
Ian Redmond
Biologist & Co-founder: Rebalance Earth
Saving biodiversity seems like a tall ask for an individual. Join Ian Redmond as he breaks down the small actions an individual can make to help tackle the biodiversity crisis.
Saving biodiversity seems like a tall ask for an individual. Join Ian Redmond as he breaks down the small actions an individual can make to help tackle the biodiversity crisis.
How You Can Tackle the Biodiversity Crisis
4 mins 32 secs
Key learning objectives:
Outline how our purchase power can help biodiversity
Understand how our political power can help biodiversity
Describe how our personal power can help biodiversity
There are 3 ways to help tackle the biodiversity crisis: by using your purchase power (paying for sustainable products), your political power (lobbying to your elected representatives and your personal power (joining conservation efforts).
Ian Redmond
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