Decision Making Under Pressure

Decision Making Under Pressure

Mandy Hickson

25 years: Ex-RAF pilot & leadership expert

In the second video to this series on Leadership, Mandy shares a story from when she led her first ever combat mission over Iraq, having to make quick and sharp decisions under intense pressure. Here she explains one of the most valuable lessons about leadership - The importance of empowering those around you.

In the second video to this series on Leadership, Mandy shares a story from when she led her first ever combat mission over Iraq, having to make quick and sharp decisions under intense pressure. Here she explains one of the most valuable lessons about leadership - The importance of empowering those around you.

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Decision Making Under Pressure

10 mins 6 secs

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand the decision-making model taught in the military

  • Outline some examples of different leadership styles

  • Understand the importance of incorporating your team in all situations


Mandy recalls leading her first ever combat mission and the ensuing decisions she had to make under intense pressure. The overarching message of the story is that leadership is challenging and inspiring their followers with a sense of purpose and excitement, creating a vision of what they aspire to be, and communicating this idea to others.

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What decision-making model is taught in the military?

Use the following model - DODAR:

  1. Diagnose the problem
  2. Ask your team for Options
  3. Make a Decision
  4. Assign tasks
  5. Review

Why is it important to incorporate your team in all situations?

Incorporating your team is necessary because the people around you will have skill sets that you may not possess, and as a result, you can make more informed decisions. One of the most important keys to excellent leadership is the empowerment of those around you.

What are some examples of different leadership styles?

  • Democratic
  • Autocratic
  • Laissez-Faire
  • Strategic
  • Coach-Style

What is transformational leadership?

Leaders who challenge and inspire their followers with a sense of purpose and excitement. They also create a vision of what they aspire to be, and communicate this idea to others.

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Mandy Hickson

Mandy Hickson

Mandy Hickson was one of the first female fighter pilots in the Royal Air Force having joined in 1994. Mandy has over 25 years experience within aviation, operating in hostile environments, including patrolling the ‘No Fly’ zone, flying over 50 combat missions over Iraq. Drawing on her experience of calculated risk-taking, leadership, decision-making under pressure and the critical role of the human in the system, Mandy now transfers these lessons from the cockpit to many other management and leadership contexts.

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