Nature-based Solutions Case Study

Nature-based Solutions Case Study

James Clifton

25 years: Sustainability strategy

Nature-based solutions are one of the most important tools available to tackle the climate crisis. There is a distinct link between a lack of financing that makes these solutions particularly difficult to scale. In this video we will explore a case study of a successful nature-based solution in central Mexico.

Nature-based solutions are one of the most important tools available to tackle the climate crisis. There is a distinct link between a lack of financing that makes these solutions particularly difficult to scale. In this video we will explore a case study of a successful nature-based solution in central Mexico.

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Nature-based Solutions Case Study

7 mins 34 secs

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand how quality nature-based solutions work in practice

  • Learn how nature-based solutions can provide social as well as environmental benefits

  • Learn about the future of nature-based solutions


In this video, James Clifton explores an example of a successful nature-based solution, based in central Mexico. James examines how Improved Forest Management (IFM) activities work in practice and how they were a key step in working with the pristine forest ecosystems of Ejido San Bartolo.

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What is an example of a quality nature-based solution and how does it work in practice? 

James Clifton co-founded Cultivo, a company which invests in natural capital. Though there are many examples of successful nature-based solutions, this video focuses on one particular project in central Mexico. Cultivo were involved in improving forest management systems in San Bartolo through increasing tree coverage, removing impediments and managing programmes for fire and pest detection. The overall objective was to protect the environment in this area, but also provide a sustainable income to protect and improve the forest for local communities. This was done by combining three organisations together, ICICO, a non profit organisation, PROBOSQUE, a public agency preserving ecological integrity and CULTIVO. Cultivo collaborated with the local communities of San Bartolo and sold high-quality carbon credits. 

What is the future of nature-based solutions?

Scalability has historically been a challenge for nature-based solutions. A blend of both public and private funding will be critical to financing these solutions to get nature-based solutions making a high level of impact. Out of the $133 billion US dollars per year currently invested in nature-based solutions, the private sector only finances roughly 14%. VividEconimics predicts that forest-based nature-based solutions could generate $800 billion in annual revenues by 2050 while research by Barclays indicates that the total voluntary carbon market will surpass $1 trillion US dollars by the same year. 




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James Clifton

James Clifton

James Clifton is the Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Cultivo, a fintech company whose mission is to unlock investment in nature at scale. He is a technology entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience building data-driven technology ventures from ideas to IPO. 

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