Concluding Thoughts on Active Listening

Concluding Thoughts on Active Listening

Debbie Taylor

25 years: HR & Management

In is video, Debbie shares some parting thoughts to remind you of the key takeaways from this series about Listening.  We are all different and see things in different ways and the way to get the best out of a conversation is to listen well.

In is video, Debbie shares some parting thoughts to remind you of the key takeaways from this series about Listening.  We are all different and see things in different ways and the way to get the best out of a conversation is to listen well.

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Concluding Thoughts on Active Listening

1 min 42 secs

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand how the word "listening" helps you practise good listening


Here are some parting thoughts to remind you of the key takeaways from this series about Listening. We are all different and see things in different ways and the way to get the best out of a conversation is to listen well.

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How can the word LISTENING help you practice good listening?

Listening is not easy.  It demands cognitive energy to pay attention which means engaging in system 2, of which there is limited availability, but there is a positive in that difficult tasks become much easier with PRACTICE and therefore the more we practice listening the better we become at it and therefore enjoy it more.  Here is a neat tool to help you remember to practice your listening:

  • Learn to mirror (so people feel felt
  • Ignore the inner voices (critic, biases, prejudices)
  • Stay in the now
  • Talk ‘with’ not ‘at’ others
  • Express empathetic understanding
  • Not to be interesting but interested
  • Include reflective statements in your conversations
  • No distractions
  • Give it a go, everyday

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Debbie Taylor

Debbie Taylor

Debbie Taylor worked at Natwest for almost 20 years before becoming a HR Director and opening her own HR consultancy 'People and business'. She provides commercial HR support to owner managed businesses nationwide and aims to always bring 'people' into business planning.

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